The VOG group headquarters are situated in Linz. All affiliated companies in Austria and abroad report to Linz and the operations of the entire group are controlled from here.
Most of the managerial duties such as finance, accounting, book keeping, data processing, personnel and administration are carried out at headquarters.This approach enables a lean management structure, which is cheaper for all involved. It also facilitates planning and control.
A modern data processing system based on IBM POWER SYSTEM is the necessary basis for these services. As of 1990 clients have also been offered a computer-supported ordering and payment system. More than 70% of all orders are now handled in this way.
The product distribution is executed from Linz for Austria and for all countries where the VOG is not yet represented by subsidiaries. The product range covers food products (oil, dried fruit, and canned foods) and non-food products (camping and sport, toys, household articles and textiles). Centralised purchasing of most of the items for all affiliates in Austria and abroad througt the headquarters in Linz offers chances in trade. The synergies of this process serve to make the group more competitive and enables us to offer our business partners more favourable conditions.